Newsletter Peace Human Rights – December 2024 (dal Centro “Antonio Papisca” dell’Università di Padova)

Da Massimiliano Tabusi
Confidando possa risultare interessante, si riporta qui sotto la Newsletter del Centro Studi “Antonio Papisca” dell’Università di Padova, con il quale il nostro Ateneo collabora nel quadro della Rete RUniPace. Si ringrazia il prof. Marco Mascia, che dirige il centro ed è co-coordinatore della Rete, per le informazioni.
Newsletter Peace Human Rights
December 2024
Updates from the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca” of the University of Padova
UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” at the University of Padova
Regional Archive ‘Pace Diritti Umani – Peace Human Rights’
International Human Rights Day 2024: Caring for human rights between impunity, effectiveness and legality, Aula Magna, University of Padova, 10 December 2024
In the face of the ongoing massive violations of human rights, legality and international human rights law, in the face of the ongoing escalation of carnage and the tragic consequences of so many war crimes and crimes against humanity that go unpunished and so many binding decisions of the Security Council and the International Court of Justice that remain ignored, International Human Rights Day 2024 intends to focus on three words: impunity, effectiveness, legality.
Concert Ode to Freedom, Padova, 10 December 2024
On Tuesday 10 December, at 8.30 p.m. in the Sala dei Giganti, a concert will be held to mark International Human Rights Day 2024, promoted by the Concentus Musicus Patavinus and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova. The project transforms the wood of migrants’ boats, recovered in Lampedusa, into musical instruments and sacred objects, made by people detained in the prisons of Opera, Secondigliano, Monza and Rebibbia.
Further information and bookings
Let’s Save the United Nations – human rights, freedom, democracy and peace
Let’s stop the destruction of law, legality and international architecture. Let’s save the UN and together with human rights, freedom, justice, democracy and peace. Let’s do it together!
Past Events
The 7th edition of the Padova Model UPR has ended
The 7th edition of the Padova Model UPR, held from 18 to 22 November 2024, came to its conclusion. This year, 54 international students from 6 universities worldwide participated in the simulation and the training activities associated.
The International Conference ‘The Values and Legal Power of Global Civil Society in the Face of the Crisis of Values and Law. Ideas and actions to shape an international order of peace’ has been successfully concluded
On Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 November 2024, the annual International Conference on Human Right was held. Video recordings of the opening and closing sessions and a photo gallery are available.
The students of the Refugee Rights Lab of the University of Padova present their submission to the Human Rights Committee in Geneva
Sara Farasat and Thayna Ferreira Malta represented the Refugee Rights Lab in the informal briefing with the Human Rights Committee on October 16th and in the two sessions of the review of the State of Pakistan. The participation of Sara and Thayna contributed to their deeper understanding of challenges faced by Afghan refugees in the country and the human rights implications in Pakistan.
In Focus: Human Rights Academic Voice
The other face of Cyprus: the silent decline of the Turkish Cypriot community
Genocide and Memory: A Comparative Analysis of the Holodomor and the Holocaust
Towards the reinterpretation of the classical theory of Transitional Justice in Latin America
Updates from the Human Rights Centre website
Youth Voices, Policy Choices: 9 years of UNSCR 2250, December 9th, 2024
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2024
The Solfagnano Charter: the first G7 meeting on disability and inclusion
Universal Periodic Review: Italy’s Pre-session planned for November 22, 2024
MA in human rights: Padua Double Degree students in Lyon
Declaration+25: setting out international standards to protect the right to defend rights
FRA: Muslims in Europe are experiencing rising levels of racism and discrimination
Amnesty reiterates concern over possible human rights violations in Italy-Albania Protocol